The best bag to buy now and enjoy for a long time
When someone says “timeless handbag” the first thought that comes to mind is always “Chanel Classic Flap”. This handbag is perhaps the most sought after bag in history and the bag on every girl’s wish list. With a continually 15% increase in value year by year, the Chanel Classic Flap also makes for a great investment piece. Crafted with intricate details, quality materials and the brand’s signature quilting, these timeless accessories that will always be treasured.

The Louis Vuitton Speedy is the perfect city bag which is lightweight and forever in style. It is the most affordable bag among the Louis Vuitton family which has made this bag a popular favourite. This handbag will always maintain its value with its classic and iconic Louis Vuitton monogram canvas print. Thus, LV Speedy Bag is a bag that worth to invest at all time.

Fendi Peekaboo got its name from its structure where it leaves the bag unclasped offers peek at into its interior lining. The Peekaboo’s is a timeless bag as it lies in the simplicity of its form, and the complexity in its details.

“You buy a Peekaboo not only thinking that you will wear it now, but also that you are going to wear it in the future and one of your daughters will probably steal it from your closet. It’s one of those objects that will stay with you for all the time.”
Silvia Fendi
Balenciaga City Tote Bag works in any season. It’s timeless. It is meant to be collected, with Balenciaga releasing the same style in different leathers, colours, and hardware combinations season after season, meaning no two season releases will ever be alike. Black is the only colour that released every season, but the batch of leather may have a different appearance. Balenciaga City Tote Bag will never goes out of style, thus it is worth to invest at any time.

Givenchy Antigona
The Givenchy Antigona is one of the more recently created bags on this list, having been created by Riccardo Tisci in 2010 to capture his preference for masculine/feminine design balance. It uniquely deserves a spot because it is still a constant celebrity favorite, the newer iterations of which continue to improve and impress. It can now be considered as timeless bag as it has successfully stands the time