, established in 2006, is a trusted supplier of 100% authentic luxury bags and accessories. Specializing in highly sought-after brands such as Hermès, Chanel, LV, and Dior, is particularly known for limited edition luxury items. It is widely recognized for its unparalleled selection of rare and in-demand products, as well as its guaranteed authenticity.
With over a decade of experience in purchasing and reselling, we have more than 134,000 satisfied customers from over 10 countries, including Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Saudi Arabia, Australia, the United States, Brunei, Singapore, and Canada. focuses on exceptional personalized service, which has earned us a reputation for reliability and trustworthiness. Our team of buyers is located worldwide, particularly in Paris, Italy, the United States, and South Korea.
97% positive reviews, with 85% of returning customers making multiple purchases and recommending friends.
Over 134,000 customers from more than 10 countries.
Our luxury brand purchasing team consists of 8 members based in Paris, Italy, the United States, and South Korea, dedicated to finding the hottest limited-edition items for our clients.
Authenticity Guaranteed. is a trusted reseller of Hermès and luxury bags with over ten years of experience. Click here to view our customer reviews. All our items are meticulously inspected and come with an authenticity guarantee and refund service. Click here to view our full terms and conditions.